Travel Safely Guide

We are fast approaching the holidays and a big travel season. Why not start healthy, stay healthy, and return relaxed and….healthy?
The Holiday Season and the travel that is often involved typically brings a time of increased vulnerability to illness; change of environment, time zone adjustments, stress, close quarters with groups of people, shifts in eating habits, and overindulgence all contribute. Rest assured there are definite tools we can share with you to keep the celebration and the journey safer and healthfully more pleasurable.
Prep is Best
It's wise to prepare beforehand if you can. It is far easier and more pleasant to prevent illness than it is to treat it! Fortifying your immunity is critical to staying safe and happy while traveling and celebrating (or any time for that matter). So let us suggest a few key ways to boost your immunity as you prepare to travel this holiday season:
- Probiotics: A healthy biome makes up 70% of your immune system. With a healthy gut, you are assured of good immune protection and support (1). Our favorite and best-selling probiotic is Pure Encapsulation’s Probiotic 5. However, a probiotic that does not require refrigeration such as this one, is easier when traveling.
- Medicinal Mushrooms: Mushrooms are one of the best ways to ensure a vital and balanced immune system! These powerhouses support all immunity functions (2) and assist the body in dealing with all types of stress. They are both adaptogenic and immune supportive. One of the best is Host Defense’s MyCommunity, which is a blend of 17 different mushrooms. Another popular one (especially for flying or any crowd situation) is Mycoshield, a travel sized cinnamon or peppermint throat spray. You spray this right in the back of the throat to protect your immunity while breathing recirculated air. It puts up an immediate barrier of protection!
- Vitamin D3: The scientific evidence regarding this immune supporter is strong. (3) D3 is KEY to a solid and vital immune response. It is both prophylactic in action against attack, and protective during infection. We can highly recommend a number of good Vitamin D products. One I particularly like is Natura’s D-A-K as it is very bioavailable. Ensure your levels are tested after 2-3 months of supplementation. The daily dose needed to support a healthy level is very individualized, and you can overdo it. The good news is that testing of this level is widely supported and covered by insurance.
- Herbal Allies: If you want to bump it up ahead of time, add a good botanical formula designed with anti-microbial herbs and/or immune-boosting herbs. You can take it prophylactically to get your immune system humming. You can take a small dose daily if you are not already ill. One that fits the bill is our very own Immuno Well RX. It contains Astragalus, which has long been known for overall immune protection (especially lung-protective qualities). It also contains Echinacea, Isatis, Garlic, Forsythia Fruit, and Honeysuckle Flower; all of which are indicated for viral activity. (4) If you find yourself sick, you can adjust to acute dosing - taking it every two hours until you feel better.
On The Road or Plane
While traveling, it is vital to continue being diligent regarding immune protection and support. Any or all of the above suggestions are appropriate to begin or continue. Just bring your travel pill pack along with you. Here are a few suggestions to keep on hand for use along your journey.
- If you are crossing time zones, it is best to mitigate the physical stress of circadian rhythm shifts (5). These throw off sleep, and as we all know sleep is the great healer. My very best choice, hands down, is this extraordinary homeopathic product NO JET LAG.
- Melatonin can also be very supportive in rebalancing or maintaining circadian rhythms. Just know it’s not for everyone, so be sure it is appropriate. Also, shooting for 2mg is recommended for circadian rhythm support.
- As we all know, physical hygiene is essential while traveling. Consider bringing a quality hand sanitizer.
- Don’t forget your mask, and also maybe a backup mask too.
- Hydration, hydration, hydration! Make sure to be conscientious about getting enough water during your travels. Dehydration can set you up to be more vulnerable to infection, cause discomfort while traveling, and interfere with good sleep. It’s always a good idea to add electrolytes to your water, to ensure efficient hydration and prevent muscle cramps (6).
Destination Suggestion
Once you are at your destination, it’s always good to have a few things on hand in case something comes up. Many of the above suggestions will continue to be helpful. For instance, if youaref getting a cold or flu, you can bump up your daily dosage of Immuno Well Rx. While continuing your D3 and probiotics should go a long way in keeping you protected.
- Tummy Troubles often travel means eating differently than one is accustomed to (of course, this IS usually the time to splurge). But if you haven’t eaten meat in months and then decide to eat mom’s turkey, you might want to take digestive enzymes so you don’t regret it. Digestive enzyme supplements contain an appropriate amount and blend of enzymes that cover the basic macronutrients so that you are covered even if your body is not accustomed to seeing some of the foods you decide to eat (7). Less common but still more common when traveling is catching a stomach bug or experiencing a reaction to unfamiliar food, etc. If you are looking for an overall stomach soother (think natural alternative to Pepto Bismol) check out this fantastic product, which contains a TCM blend of herbs. A travel must-have!
- Sleep support Finding oneself in a different sleeping situation can be off-setting, even in the best circumstances. So, bringing a gentle sleep aid to get you there can only be helpful. We are a big fan of Remedy’s Sleep Formula, a blend of melatonin and sleep-supporting herbs. If you prefer not to take melatonin, this lovely herbal formula should get you there.
And should you need a little comfort while lying down, these
wonderful eye pillows will do the trick.
Need a Chill Pill?
- Let's just say it’s not unusual to experience some stress during these days, no matter how wonderful it can be. If you need some assistance with grounding and breathing, we have some ideas. This kava product mixed with other calming herbs, could be just the ticket. Or if anxiety is your issue, we love Calm Restore.
Something that has become a new normal for many travelers is pre or post-COVID testing. We continue to offer appointments for Rapid COVID Antigen tests. We recommend booking your appointment in advance as we anticipate increased demand around peak holiday travel days.
If you need more personal support for your immunity (or any health challenge), you can make a consult appointment with our in-house clinical herbalist.
Whatever you do, wherever you plan to go, please let us assist in making your travels the best they can be. We are here to serve!! Wishing you all safe travel and happy holidays!
1.Yan F, Polk DB. Probiotics and immune health. Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 2011;27(6):496-501. doi:10.1097/MOG.0b013e32834baa42.Guggenheim AG, Wright KM, Zwickey HL.
2.Immune Modulation From Five Major Mushrooms: Application to Integrative Oncology. Integrative Med (Encinitas). 2014;13(1):32-4
3. Guggenheim AG, Wright KM, Zwickey HL. Immune Modulation From Five Major Mushrooms: Application to Integrative Oncology. Integr Med (Encinitas). 2014;13(1):32-44.
4. Melchart D, Linde K, Worku F, et al. Results of five randomized studies on the immunomodulatory activity of preparations of Echinacea. J Altern Comp Med. 1995;1(2):145-160.
5. Besedovsky L, Lange T, Born J. Sleep and immune function. Pflugers Arch. 2012;463(1):121-137. doi:10.1007/s00424-011-1044-0
6. National Research Council (US) Subcommittee on the Tenth Edition of the Recommended Dietary Allowances. Recommended Dietary Allowances: 10th Edition. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1989. 11, Water and Electrolytes. Available from:
7. Ianiro G, Pecere S, Giorgio V, Gasbarrini A, Cammarota G. Digestive Enzyme Supplementation in Gastrointestinal Diseases. Curr Drug Metab. 2016;17(2):187-193. doi:10.2174/138920021702160114150137